[06:48] Season 1, Episode 3:
Not-so-random thoughts from a grateful mind and soul.
[06:48] Season 1, Episode 3:
Not-so-random thoughts from a grateful mind and soul.
[06:59] Season 1, Episode 2:
How were so many PPP applicants overlooked in the approval process, and how might these untenable circumstances be rectified?
[10:23] Season 1, Episode 1:
Thoughts from the weekend of April 4-5 about the pandemic tipping point for remove work in the future.
I’ve got it! Let’s put these everywhere, then we will AAALLLL be SAFE!
This is…American politics. The political Left justifiably argues for acceptance and fairness in social and economic arenas. Yet Democrats deploy these positions – and manipulate them to the ridiculous – to secure votes, power, and money by way of a class warfare campaign.
How entertaining it is to watch the Right argue against the Left’s “strongly held beliefs,” quite often using their own strongly held religious beliefs, devoid of objective fact, as a basis for disagreement.