This is…American politics.

The political Left justifiably argues for acceptance and fairness in social and economic arenas. Yet Democrats deploy these positions – and manipulate them to the ridiculous – to secure votes, power, and money by way of a class warfare campaign. Confiscate ill-gotten gains from the evil, racist rich and give to the victims of their greed and prejudice. Robin Hood.

Yet Democrats deploy these positions – and manipulate them to the ridiculous – to secure votes, power, and money by way of a class warfare campaign. Confiscate ill-gotten gains from the evil, racist rich and give to the victims of their greed and prejudice. Robin Hood.

The political Right correctly argues for conservative fiscal and monetary policy, and a strong national defense. Yet Republicans muddy the waters with all-or-nothing thinking when it comes to social issues, among other things – too often in the subtle, even overt, name of their strongly held beliefs. In an absence of supporting objective fact, the Right cannot resist inserting religion into the national debate. Jesus Christ.

Robin Hood plays the immigration game under the auspices of humanitarian principles, when what they seek is the voting power of a populace dependent upon them. Jesus Christ plays the arbiter of all that is right and wrong in the world and fights issues like gay marriage because it isn’t referenced in the Bible, you know, like dinosaurs. This is one of numerous problems that emerge from not even trying to understand the most significant revelation, pun intended, unleashed by science (in 1859, no less, and confirmed countless times without contravention ever since). It’s become increasingly clear that most intelligent, free-thinking citizens now see through this nonsense, but they are caught in the middle.

Jesus Christ plays the arbiter of all that is right and wrong in the world and fights issues like gay marriage because it isn’t referenced in the Bible, you know, like dinosaurs.

George Washington was right about the pitfalls of a two-party system. Way too much money is stacked up in the Democrat and Republican silos, the true masters being served. No free thinker in the country could possible agree with their party’s position on every single issue, yet most are forced to align with one or the other for lack of viable alternatives.

Enter Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. The Sanders base is largely made up of youth who haven’t seen a strong economy in some eight years, when they were in elementary, middle, and high school. Understandable, to some extent, that they don’t know better and have given up on capitalism. Trump supporters don’t like the way he says a lot of things, don’t care, are sick and tired of political correctness, and know that our government needs to be picked up by the ankles and shaken for loose change.

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

Sanders’ policies seem to come straight from his heart, in spite of a fundamental problem with the mathematics behind them (and of course the fact that socialism has never worked, because it cannot work). There are a lot of things not to like about Trump, but what is likeable is that the Left establishment hates him. And the Right establishment hates him. He has flown in the face of the political establishment, and they are scared to death – as are the historic recipients of government largesse.

Capitalism is the goose that lays the golden eggs that the Left loves to collect in the dark of night and redistribute in the light of day. And the Right’s holier-than-thou-ness makes it all possible. Amazing.

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. It’s broke. Here’s the rub: both sides are right (and therefore also wrong) about quite a number of things, but a constrained domestic economy cannot win a global competition. Without a robust domestic economy (part of which is a controlled immigration process) and a strong national defense, there will be no treasury largesse over which to argue.

The USA had a large lead but has been losing ground for a long time now. Capitalism is the goose that lays the golden eggs that the Left loves to collect in the dark of night and redistribute in the light of day. And the Right’s holier-than-thou-ness makes it all possible. Amazing.

A little something to offend everyone…

— Mead